September 9, 2011

Bringin' it Back

It's been a while since I've had a proper virtual place to call my own. So I'm excited to get started with this one. This site is built on Drupal 7. A fast, simple, all be it somewhat stark, theme was thrown into place, and the site as is remains very minimal. Though my design prowess is somewhat lacking, I must say that the very basic simplicity of the theme is exciting to me as I think it represents what I would like this site to become.

Currently I envision this site, not only as a blog to post discovery and discussion on Drupal and web development, but also as a sandbox. A perpetual work in progress, combining technical writing with working proof of concepts. But ideas evolve and should be allowed the freedom to do so. That being said I will try and stay very open to how this site will develop.

Ramblings and validations aside, welcome to! Look around, and check it out. If you have any thoughts, ideas, or questions feel free to comment, or contact me directly.

Ryan Oles